Saturday, February 09, 2019

Midnight Struck!


What follows may be a lure... a snare... A TRAP! 
The bait is the mirrored opportunity of potential gain 
flashing before your eyes like an ephemeral dream! 
The appeal may be prove to be impossible to resist. 


Verily, the only thing missing here 
is a curvaceous sales rep 
to seal the deal...!!! 
As routinely seen in almost 
any other advert... 
Somebody like this: 

Hmm... NOT a good example there; at all. 
Torrie Wilson, of WCW and WWE ''fame'' 
has never been known for her brains,  
lit wit or culture, I am afraid... 
But you get the idea!

May it not be just another New York Minute 
as far as ''NYCMidnight'' goes...

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