"A detail is shown on a replica document in which
Pope Clement V absolved the Knights Templar
of charges of heresy, in Rome, October 9, 2007.
A reproduction of the Latin-language minutes of trials
against the Knights Templar in 1308,
lost until its rediscovery in 2001,
is being published by the Vatican Secret Archives at the end October.
The documents, a book and parchments,
costs 5,900 euros and its 799 numbered copies
are destined for top libraries and medieval scholars.
Picture taken October 9, 2007."
REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi (ITALY)
How interesting that journalists named Frances, Ariel and David are the ones chosen by providence to bring us such heavenly news...?
But I am digressing right off the bat, my God...!
Needless to say, the announcement that the Vatican is publishing the Knights Templar's absolution papers is HUGE NEWS.
Forget about fans of that lamentable, laughable plot that passed for a "code" in the eyes of millions - and forget about the conspiracy theorists too!
I am speaking of this with the pure, unbridled passion of a purist, a history buff and a Christian.
And there is nothing better, nothing more heroic, more admirable to behold than an idealized Christian-type such as the Templar Knight!
(Aye, the knights of the fabled Round Table are a distant second - capisce?)
Hence, any insight at all that we can obtain regarding that order of courageous knights is invaluable indeed.
After all, the idealized Christians that they were have become an unattainable ideal nowadays.
Who can ever measure up to such faith - faith that led them to conceive extremely poor strategies to destroy the Muslim armies, because they believed God Was on their side, no matter what!
Help yourself, and Heaven Will help you... The Knights sure learned that one the hard way!
Nevertheless, the Knights Templar remain an ideal - that cannot be reached, but they are, unquestionably, the epitomized Christian that truly does believe...!
Perhaps, if some can read about their musings more "straight from the source" than ever before, it will not be as "unattainable" as it currently is. Perhaps some will Believe as fervently as they did...?
But I hold not my breath here...!
Neither for this, nor for the unveiling of A MYRIAD OTHER secrets that the Vatican has held in its archives... ANY TIME SOON...