The Potter Petering-Out Saga

Try Your Luck, Now Why Don't You;
And Just Speak A Simpleton's Spell
Then Click On JKR's Smug Grin Above - Why Don't You
You Might Just Hear The Witch's Voice Then!
As Melodious As That Bell Belle Straight From Hell
Unlike JKR, Though, Her Movie Will Surely Not
Mass Merchandise Your Finances To Hell!
No - The Bell Witch Is Kinder Than JKR Tied Up In A Knot
The Latter Witch Thinks Only Of Her Own R & R
So Click On Her Pic - Take A Deep Breath - Invoke JKR
And She Will Be Reading Her Crap Straight To You
All In One Breath - Toorloo Tootoo!
SCHOLASTIC Press got to ever consider this material
as fit for children's literature AND also fit
for the term which describes, distinguishes
and qualifies their publishing house...
And howcome no one has ever heard again
of LARRY POTTER - the children's pre-schooler book
with a ratio of illustrations to words that favored the former
but that PREDATED the Harry books
and incorporated all the very exact same concepts...
Hmm... Did some damnable Hogwarts wart-infested hag
cast a spell of silence upon the plagiarized predecessor
ON TOP OF IT...? Talk about adding insult
to injury - in writ and in many other ways...!
(unofficial title - the Queen hasn't authorized anything of the sort yet)
(it wouldn't be the first time the Queen knighted a witch though...)
(but I digress...)
so, the lady JKR has reportedly started work on a new novel
After Larry, she'll scavenge all the Inspectors she can now -
Poirot, Morse, Gadget, Clouseau...
Say it isn't so, JKR...
say it is not so...
In closing, and straight from my inbox...
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Labels: lambasting spin-off, No More Rrrrrrrowling, simulpost